Že Že – natural nettle shampoo

(16 customer reviews)

500 RSD

Discover the secret of healthy and growing hair, our natural nettle shampoo to stimulate hair growth is here for you!
Formulated with carefully selected natural ingredients, this strong nettle shampoo  offers everything you need for strengthened, vital hair.

Natural ingredients such as unrefined olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, castor oil, pumpkin seed oil, ground nettle leaf, nettle essential oil and mica crystals make this shampoo ideal for all skin and hair types. Rich in nutrients, our shampoo gently cleanses the scalp, providing the necessary care and protection.

With a net weight of 130 g, this economical product not only supports hair growth but also provides practicality and environmental benefits. Free of harmful additives and chemicals, our nettle shampoo is vegan-friendly and provides a thick natural lather that cleans and nourishes hair.

Feel the difference in quality, practicality and ecological benefits with our natural shampoo. Let your hair shine with health and vitality, with the support of our specially formulated nettle shampoo for hair growth.

32 in stock


Nettle shampoo for the care and shine of your hair!


Used for:

Personal hygiene product for all skin and hair types.
The main purpose of this natural nettle shampoo is natural care and stimulation of faster hair growth.



Before use keep it in dry and cold place in original packaging.
In order to make your soap lasts as long as possible, after use, keep it in dry spot.

Natural shampoos ie. natural hair soaps are much healthier to use than industrial soaps and shampoos because they do not contain additives and chemicals, but are made from specially selected natural ingredients.
In addition to body care, thanks to the castor oil and pumpkin seed oil, it is also suitable for the care of the crown of the head and scalp, providing enough nutrients for faster hair growth and in the fight against dandruff and hair loss.

This natural hair shampoo will gently clean your strands and hair, providing it with the necessary care and protection.


- Unrefined olive oil
- Palm oil
- Coconut oil
- Castor oil
- Pumpkin seed oil
– Ground nettle leaf
– Nettle essential oil
- Mica crystals

Net weight
: 130g


What are the benefits of natural hair shampoo?

The advantages of natural solid shampoos are numerous. Without much thought, we can say that they are: quality, practicality and environmental benefits.

Quality. Balavander makes its solid shampoos exclusively from natural vegetable oils, vegetable butters and essential oils. Natural solid shampoos they do not contain preservatives, chemicals and unwanted additives. They do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which is why it does not dry out or damage the hair.
Since we only use ingredients of plant origin, strong natural shampoos are also suitable for vegans.

Natural solid shampoos create a thick natural foam, which cleans and nourishes the hair.

Practicality. They are easy to use and apply to the hair. Rub natural shampoo into wet hair until you get enough lather to wash. Put the shampoo away and continue washing as usual.

Some people also use our natural shampoos as a body wash or even as a shaving soap, as it leaves a thick lather.

Natural solid shampoos and natural hair soaps are economical and long lasting.

Ecological benefits. They do not use plastic packaging, where e.g. industrial shampoos use almost exclusively plastic packaging. They are small in size, which reduces shipping and transport costs. They are extremely concentrated, which means that less product is needed, in order to get the same effect as with industrial shampoo.



Kako se koristi čvrsti šampon od koprive za kosu?

Da biste postigli maksimalne rezultate, preporučujemo upotrebu nettle shampoo barem dva puta nedeljno.
Nanesite šampon na mokru kosu, nežno masirajte teme kružnim pokretima kako biste poboljšali cirkulaciju, a zatim temeljno isperite.
Za još bolji efekat, šampon možete kombinovati sa prirodnim balzamom ili serumom za kosu.

If you've only used industrial liquid shampoos until now, it's likely that the feeling of using anything else will be a bit strange.
It doesn't take too long to get this feeling out of your head. Of course, there is a certain period of transition, which is common for every habit we have and develop during life.

Strong hair shampoos su zapravo koncetrovani prirodni sapuni. Aktiviraju se u dodiru sa topolom vodom.
Možete napraviti penu tako što ćete šampon trljati u rukuma ili to možete učiniti utrljavanjem direkno na mokru kosu.
You will notice that a thick and creamy foam starts to form at the same moment.

After washing your hair, store the shampoo in its original packaging so that it dries and extends its shelf life.

Read more about natural solid shampoos and the correct way to use them in instructions for use.

Prirodni šampon od koprive za rast kose

Ako tražite rešenje za zdraviju, jaču i gušću kosu, naš šampon od koprive je idealan izbor. Ovaj prirodni proizvod, bogat ekstraktom koprive, formulisan je tako da na prirodan način podstiče rast kose, hrani je i jača od korena do vrhova.

Šta čini šampon od koprive posebnim?

Kopriva je odavno poznata po svojim blagotvornim efektima na kosu. Njen ekstrakt je bogat vitaminima, mineralima i antioksidansima, koji direktno deluju na folikule kose, jačajući ih i podstičući brži rast. Nettle shampoo ne samo da pomaže kod rasta kose, već i dubinski čisti teme, poboljšava cirkulaciju i balansira proizvodnju sebuma, što je ključno za zdravlje skalpa i sprečavanje opadanja kose.

Prednosti Že Že šampona od koprive

Naša formula ne sadrži štetne hemikalije poput sulfata, parabena i silikona, čime osiguravamo blagu negu koja ne isušuje kosu. Umesto toga, šampon od koprive nudi sledeće prednosti:

  • Prirodni podsticaj za rast kose – Kopriva je poznata po tome što jača folikule kose i stimuliše novi rast.
  • Dubinska hidratacija – Biljni sastojci pružaju intenzivnu hidrataciju, čineći kosu mekšom i sjajnijom.
  • Čista koža glave – Redovnom upotrebom, šampon čisti pore na temenu, pomaže u uklanjanju peruti i smanjuje upale.
  • Sprečava opadanje kose – Aktivni sastojci iz koprive smanjuju prekomerno opadanje kose, dok istovremeno jačaju postojeću kosu.

Prirodna nega bez kompromisa

Šampon od koprive je savršen za sve tipove kose, uključujući i osetljivu ili kosu sklonu opadanju.
Zahvaljujući blagim, ali efikasnim sastojcima, pomaže u očuvanju prirodnog balansa vlasišta.
Bez obzira da li imate tanku, masnu ili suvu kosu, šampon pruža optimalne rezultate i dugoročnu negu.

Dodatne informacije

Weight140 g

16 reviews for Že Že – prirodni šampon od koprive

  1. Gordana (verified owner)

    Sve preporuke

  2. Steva Sremčević (verified owner)

  3. Milica (verified owner)

    Proizvod van svih očekivanja. Petica od mene

  4. Ivan Pijanic (verified owner)

  5. Anonymous (verified owner)

  6. Dragana (verified owner)

    Bila sam skeptična prilikom narudžbine, ali sapun je fantastičan, prijatnog mirisa, odlično peni i što je najbitnije kosa je od njega meka i čista. Htela sam nešto prirodno, a efikasno, i ovaj sapun je pravi pogodak.

  7. Anna (verified owner)

  8. Vesna M. (verified owner)

    Odlično čisti kosu

  9. Nikola Bosančić (verified owner)

  10. Ksenia (verified owner)

    Do sada sam kupovala samo sampon sa bundevom, ali u buduce ce morati naizmenicno 😁

  11. Djordje Tomovic (verified owner)


  12. Marina Muratovic (verified owner)

  13. Ksenia (verified owner)

  14. Jelena (verified owner)

    Zadovoljna sam ovim i deca su ne pece jako kad slucajno dodje sapunica u oci.😀

  15. Anna V. (verified owner)

    Odlican, sve preporuke! Imam uzasno osetljiv skalp i bas me jak miris uplasio u pocetku, ali nikakve reakcije nije bilo, tako da sam prezadovoljna

  16. Anna D. (verified owner)

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Že Že - prirodni šampon od koprive

500 RSD

32 in stock