Refresh your skin with our 100% natural exfoliating soap.
Formulated with unrefined olive, palm and coconut oils, this soap offers effective personal hygiene and sparkling clean skin.
Crushed raspberry seeds and mica crystals gently remove dead skin cells, revealing silky smooth skin.
Peeling is key to removing irregularities and improving blood circulation.
With the refreshing scent of raspberry, this soap brings natural freshness.
Net Weight: 90g.
100% natural, vegan, premium quality, handmade and not tested on animals.
Add this soap to your routine for glowing skin. Your skin will thank you.
Marina Stanojevic (verified owner) –
Kristina Senješ (verified owner) –
Ljiljana Gnjatić (verified owner) –
Božanstven miris! A ipak su najvažniji prirodni sastojci… I suprug nema alergiju kao na klasične sapune. Postali smo redovni kupci, preporuka svima!
Milica (verified owner) –
Po mirisu bi se reklo da je dobro, još nisam probala.
Igor (verified owner) –
Dragana Vidojevic (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Marko Kostadinovic (verified owner) –
Jelena Pavlovic (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Verica Stojkovic (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Ljiljana Gavranov (verified owner) –
Predivan sapun ocaravajuceg mirisa. Diiiivan!
Snežana Vasić (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Miris me je oduševio, nežan je i prigodan za blagi piling.
Tanya K. (verified owner) –
Drugarica je zadovoljna mirisom. Još ga nije probala.
Kristina Paunovic (verified owner) –
Slavka Petkov (verified owner) –
colored (verified owner) –