Natural cream


3 Products

  • newborn-set -16% Off
    Original price was: 2.080 RSD.Current price is: 1.750 RSD.

    The gift set for babies is a carefully designed set of natural products for delicate baby skin.

    Contains high quality creams and soap, formulated without harmful chemicals.
    The mild moisturizing cream maintains natural moisture, while the diaper rash protection cream protects against moisture and irritation.
    Natural bath soap offers gentle cleansing without drying.

    Each product is carefully packaged for safe use, providing the best care for baby's skin.
    This set is a choice that gives parents the security and satisfaction of knowing that they are using products designed with special care for their baby, making the skin soft, smooth and healthy.

    Welcome the new family member with the love and care of our carefully crafted baby gift set.

  • essence-prirodna-cink-kremaessence natural cream with zinc
    700 RSD

    Essence cream with zinc provides gentle and effective care for sensitive skin, combining zinc and medicinal herbs.

    It reduces inflammation, irritation and redness, offering antimicrobial properties.
    The mild formula with a low pH value suits sensitive skin, while herbal ingredients such as immortelle, lavender, lemon balm and chamomile additionally soothe, hydrate and restore the skin's natural glow.

    Ideal for children and adults, Essence cream with zinc makes the skin soft, smooth and radiant.
    Preserve the health and beauty of your skin in a completely natural way.

  • supreme-prirodna-krema-za-negu-kozesupreme-universal-cream-for-babies
    700 RSD

    Perfect for babies and sensitive skin, Supreme Natural Cream is a premium product without harmful chemicals.

    The composition includes beeswax, shea and mango butter and vegetable oils that soothe and protect the skin.
    This cream, with a net weight of 80g, provides the necessary care for the diaper area and the body. Without water, silicone, parabens and other irritating ingredients,
    Supreme is a completely natural, vegan, handmade formula, unchanged on animals.

    Soothes diaper rash, redness and promotes skin regeneration.
    For those looking for clean, mild and effective care.

Prirodna krema – Nega za celu porodicu

Prirodna krema za bebe i odrasle, napravljena od isključivo prirodnih sastojaka. Pomoćiće Vašoj koži i koži Vaše bebe da ostane zdrava i nežna, a sve to bez veštačkih sastojaka i hemikalija.

Kreme koje brinu o vašem zdravlju

Naše prirodne kreme su sastavljene isključivo od prirodnih sastojaka, što je čini sigurnom i nežnom za svakodnevnu upotrebu. Ne sadrže štetne dodatke kao što su voda, silikoni, mineralna ulja, petrolej, parafin, parabeni, konzervansi, alkohol, boje, mirisi, toksični, alergeni i iritativni sastojci. Pogodne su za sve koji žele da izbegnu kreme sa različitim hemikalijama.

Ekonomična i održiva alternativa

Osim što su korisne za vašu kožu, naše prirodne kreme su takođe prijateljski naklonjene prema životnoj sredini. Ovi proizvodi su potpuno biorazgradivi, što znači da ne štete okolini, a takođe nisu testirani na životinjama, što ih čini potpuno etičkim izborom.

Ako tražite prirodne kreme koja će vam pružiti potrebnu negu, zaštititi osetljivu kožu i obezbediti bezbednu upotrebu, Balavander prirodne kreme su idealan izbor. Naše recepture sa pažljivo odabranim prirodnim sastojcima obezbeđuju regeneraciju kože i umirujuće dejstvo, čineći ih savršenim rešenjem za bebe, decu i odrasle sa osetljivom kožom.